GlobalFiscus is happy to come to your company, educational institution or technical school, we have extensive experience in implementing fog protection training that provides value in the daily work for installers, consultants, safety managers etc.
You have the opportunity to sign up for our e-learning where you, when it fits in your program, can get a general training in the installation of DENSITY safety fog – the course ends with a test and course certificate
GlobalFiscus is a supplier of fogsecurity solutions to the entire Nordic security market, regardless of whether you privately or in your company want to secure your own or your customers’ premises and values. We have the most effective solution to prevent and stop burglary, robbery and vandalism.
We work with the best alarm installers in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
Contact us so we can find the right solution to make your everyday life safer.
© GlobalFiscus – 2025
Hvis du er interesseret i at opleve hvor effektiv DENSITY tågesikring er så send os dine kontaktoplysninger – vi hjælper gerne med projektering eller fortæller mere om vores ServicePartner koncept.
If you are interested in experiencing how effective DENSITY fogsecurity is, send us your contact information – we are happy to help with your project or tell you more about our ServicePartner concept.